Monday, December 7, 2009

PRCA - News

Great news! The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) has ended its sponsorship relationship with Big Tobacco!

Now is the time to ask the PRCA to replace the US Smokeless Tobacco Company (USSTC) with a healthy sponsor – not another tobacco company - so that they can move closer to the mainstream in sports. Taking big tobacco out of rodeos will make them even more family-friendly.

Many kids admire cowboys and look up to them as role models. The sampling booths, scoreboards, banners, and ads that are part of tobacco sponsorship give young audience members the message that using tobacco is part of being an adult cowboy or rodeo fan. Unfortunately, 14% of 12 to 17 year old boys use smokeless tobacco, and the rates are higher in rural states.

Smokeless tobacco causes deadly and disfiguring cancers, and increases the risk of strokes and fatal heart attacks. Ending the USSTC sponsorship allows the PRCA to be a truly consistent supporter of healthy lifestyles and efforts to reduce cancer rates.

Rodeos are very appealing to children and families, and they are growing in popularity. The PRCA clearly presents profitable sponsorship opportunities to many types of companies that are appropriate for a family-friendly sport like rodeo. Let’s urge the PRCA to reject any new tobacco sponsorship in favor of a more family-friendly sponsor.


Brian Hutchinson
Director, Grassroots
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

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